Monday, March 28, 2016

On the Road Discovering and Listening: Again Operational Work Transformation Leads the change

Sorry, I have not been home for a month, and need to just listen to what people are trying to do, explore new opportunities.
While I found many new thought leaders, and opportunities, when you investigated the core goal, outcome of the project or theme of the people it was a "CHANGE IN WORK EXECUTION".

Much of what I have written about over the last year came up over and over again. Very few people articulated the project as a transformation in the way they work, but when you applied "Outcome Driven Innovation techniques" it was clear two things where happening:

  • They wanted to execute a "functional job" faster and more consistently now moving to that job decision and action been taken by a community / circle of people.

  • They expected more jobs to executed by the same team, and in the same period, this aligned with the increased responsibility that operational teams where taking on.
Again the driving strategies and challengers people where seeing are:

  •  Transparency with trust to see/ understand the current situation of the operational landscape across sites as if one operational plain. Note the word trust, this particularly was on data and information, moving away from local excel, or reports to trusted data that is in context and validated.

  • Embedded Experience/ knowledge to enable faster decisions but more importantly consistent actions across a changing demographic of workforce.
But an interesting point came up a couple of weeks ago in discussion or capturing knowledge, one group made clear that "embedding experience and knowledge into the system was the ultimate goal" but that this was not reality, and that Augmented Experience will come from a combination :

  • Embedded knowledge and experience, but it was clear that this was not just a system, but the culture of workers contributing in context regularly is a major step in the knowledge journey for companies.
  • But also a "community of experts, contributors" who can be tapped into in real time. They are able to see the situation in real-time, in context and with trust on what they seeing, and can then apply their own experience to enabling the decision. This again needs new thinking in how to enable, and culture to work in teams.
While this is not new to this blog it was good to continue to validate as I traveled, driving the energy needed to create potential solutions for this space.