Saturday, February 14, 2015

A New Approach is Required to Enable It/OT, with Information Driven Systems!

Two weeks ago I wrote about IT/OT convergence, and some thoughts, while the convergence has been happening for years. It seems only lately that we running into the significant step of changing the organization from tradition structures to a modern / new generation Operational IT approach. But the interest in that blog post was significant, with many hits, and many direct emails on ideas, comments.
The fact that 4 significant companies I have visited lately that we find that the head of the traditional IT team, and strategy is someone from Operations, with limited traditional IT experience, but huge amount of Operational and Business experience. The strategies are now not about the technology they lead by an business/ operational value, and how do deliver solutions fast, and efficiently, with technology and systems that are sustainable, and evolutionary.

In the information driven space this is giving rise to a different approach:

Strategies are more than technology, the key is operational cultural transformation that includes device, equipment integration, with people, and alignment and repeat ability through process integration. Leading to strategies as seen below.

The strategies require a focus on accessing the correct information, in context, and understanding the business process design, building on repetitive foundation of standards that can evolved. Understanding that standards and a platform is key to maintaining the evolution over multiple vendors.

Below shows a concept of the three levels of maturity on the journey that is required to bring information under control and effective. This aligns with the “Knowledge/ Wisdom” discussions we have had at the end of last year.

How many of you are moving to platforms for aligning multiple vendors, while moving away from custom code to configured standards for information context and procedures?

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